About Virtu-Fit®

Integrated Fitness Company


For as little as $99/month we offer private fitness sessions, core, yoga, pilates, spin and much more. Regardless of package, you will link to the same personal trainer every session via webcam for live training. This is appropriate for all ages, all levels, and all locations. If you’d like more information about our fitness packages or to schedule an session, please email at arcifco@gmail.com or skype at VirtuFit.


Variety is the key to fitness, allowing all levels to achieve balance, self-reliance, harmony and well-being through monitored progression, complete safety and fun. Everyone can make great strides and enjoy fitness with diversity and adherence. When fitness is a passion it becomes contagious. I have never duplicated a workout with a client in over 100,000 sessions. Your success will include your nutritional, cardiovascular, flexibility, strength, psychological, cognitive and restorative health. This varies for all clients, but as you progress it will be easier and easier to find your way. The philosophy I prescribe to is that of consistency with variety. We must constantly test ourselves, our heart and our head to improve.

Marc D. Thompson is a prominent fitness trainer, personal coach and virtual personal trainer (VPT) with a background in medicine and exercise physiology. He is also a volunteer Fitness Trainer for City of Delray Beach Annual “Fitness in the Park” Series. He has devoted his life to understanding the body and its systems. His passion is finding and isolating the physical strengths and weaknesses of each client and matching them with a multitude of fitness disciplines to improve their physical, mental and psychological well-being. Approaching fitness holistically, Marc believes the fusion of creativity analysis and practicality is essential in moving each individual toward their fitness goals. Along with 25 years of experience, his greatest strength is his ability to draw from numerous fitness disciplines and sports, thousands of exercises, psychological techniques and nutritional principals to empower each client. He combines corrective exercise, integrated function and dynamic flexibility with psychology, cognition and motivation to progress his clientele. Marc incorporates muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, range of motion, balance, power, agility, quickness, speed, coordination and proprioception and much more.

We’ve worked with Pro golfers (Paul D), Pro Fitness models (Tammy T), National pageant winners (Monique M), Professional dancers (Judy L), Pro skateboarders (Matt S), Pro surfers (Dave S), NFL cheerleaders (Nikki B), Bodybuilders, Fitness competitors, Singers, Actors, Collegiate sports persons, etc. and folks who just want to be healthier, more fit, feel better, and lead better lives. We can help you too!

The IFC Benefits

  • Improve your wellness from anywhere in the world
  • You’ll get results and have fun
  • Save time & money
  • Train in any weather & anytime of day
  • Train from the comfort of your home, hotel, office, vacation home, beach or back yard
  • Fitness equipment optional

Achieve Your Fitness Goals…
Anywhere You Want!

Marc D. Thompson, VPT

Fitness (IFC)

Genealogy (ARC)

Art (WAW)

Pet Sitting (CPS)

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