Variety is key to health and fitness. Here is my personal and Weider’s lists to spark new ideas for our next workout session.
Integrated functional training
Isometric training, strength training in which the joint angle and muscle length do not change during contraction
Machine-core supersets, using balance disks in conjunction with machines to engage core muscles
Plyometric training, designed to produce fast, powerful movements, and improve the functions of the nervous system
Posterior training, exercise targeting only the posterior muscles
Resistance training circuits, high-intensity aerobics using various types of resistance exercises with little or no rest periods
Sequence sets, adding one exercise every circuit without a rest period; up to 10 circuits
Slow-motion training and Speed reps
Total body supersets, a superset consisting of an exercise for each lower body, core, and upper body muscles
Variety training, changing your routine every session
Compound sets, working opposing muscle groups in back-to-back fashion, taking as little rest as possible in between sets
Continuous Tension, performing each rep of an exercise by never allowing the weight to rest
Muscle priority, training your underdeveloped muscles first
Pre-Exhaust training, pre-fatiguing a larger muscle with a single-joint movement followed by compound movements
Pyramiding, doing first set with less weight for more reps, increasing the weight and finally decreasing the reps again
Set System Training, doing more than one set for each exercise
Split system, split the body parts into two or three sessions and workout two or three times per week
Staggered sets, training smaller body parts like forearms in between all sets for your major body parts
Supersets, alternating two exercises for the same muscle group, taking as little rest as possible between each set
Tri-Sets, doing three sets in a row for the same body part with as little rest as possible in between sets
REFERENCE: Bodybuilding 101, ©1995, Robert Wolff, Contemporary Books, Lincolnwood, IL; Wikipedia, Joe Weider, en.wikipediorg/wiki/ Joe Weider, November 2009
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