How to Bath a Dog

A great link on dog bathing.

Edward Mason & Ranie Brown

Edward “Ned” Mason was born enslaved on a plantation in Washington County, Georgia, in the year 1847. He was the first child of the young couple Alfred and Hannah Mason, who had both been born into enslaved themselves, probably on the same plantation where Edward was...

The Cay

The Cay Phillip and Timothy are best friends and they live in Denmark. Both of their fathers are fishermen, and they love going out on the fishing boats, which is how they first met. Suddenly, the sound of torpedoes fill the air. Submarines, Aircrafts, and the Nazis....

Where Thou Art, That is Om

 “Cardio Yoga” is a great way to get some worthwhile activity.Use these sequence to enhance your practice. Sun Salutation A Sun Salutation B Sun Salutation B with high lunge Sun Salutation B with warrior II Sun Salutation B with warrior III Sun Salutation B Sun...

Family Recipes

FAMILY RECIPES Here are some of the favorite Homemade recipes passed own from our ancestors. Remember the wondrous smells, flavors and tastes! See bottom of list for those with recipe. Generation Five: Gussie Hensel Recipes Chocolate Chip Cookies Shoofly Pie...