by Marc | Nov 21, 2017 | WAW
We published out next generation of books. Our family history is growing and is exciting and interesting. Knowing your roots can help you in so many ways: to know yourself better, helps with relationships, and with job productivity. Helps with your health and...
by Marc | Nov 21, 2017 | ARC
Pompey park is located at 1101 Northwest 2nd Street, Delray Beach, FL and is named for Charles Spencer Pompey. He was a coach and social studies teacher & principal at the formerly all-black Carver High School in Delray Beach . Pompey was also a local Civil rights...
by Marc | Nov 21, 2017 | IFC
I love the ab wheel. It is a functional and more complete movement than many core exercises. Remember to build up to this exercise properly if this is new to you. Here are some of my fave movements with the wheel. AB WHEEL WORKOUT Kneeling rollout Kneeling rollout,...
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