Swiss Miss becomes pioneering marvel! Born and raised in the village of Neunkirch, Dorothy Burgauer and her Swiss Mennonite family were under constant persecution and taxation. She married well-educated Jacob Bucher and fought her way to middle-class, only to find the Holy Roman Empire even more oppressive to the educated, seeing her neighbors intimidated and even killed. But headstrong Dorothy would bear seven children, and even as she lost one infant, would use her tenacity and fierce constitution to carry on. With the unexpected death of her husband in his forties, Dorothy made a courageous decision. She took what remaining money the family had and, to escape the poverty and religious strife, embarked on the challenging trip from her village north through the Netherlands, across the straights to London and eventually to the New World, on a crowded, disease-infested ship. The stouthearted Dorothy was forced to leave her three adult children in Neunkirch, only securing passage for her son Conrad, her other three youngsters and herself. Arriving in Philadelphia port in 1756, the Bucher clan would meet more intolerance, as the local British Protestants and Quakers colonists showed their discontent for mainland Europeans. So, ever resourceful Dorothy set foot to path one last time and migrated west, settling in Lebanon, an area very primitive and prone to Native attacks, but where she had the best chance of surviving. And survive she did, she used her farming, homemaking and educational abilities, seeing her son Conrad became a Minister and daughter Elizabeth married a doctor. Her grandson Henry Bucher, son of Conrad, married Catherine Epley, another woman of amazing strength, fortitude and survival abilities. Dorothy’s resourcefulness and ability to mesh with other immigrants coupled with her Mennonite church faith, allowed her the support structure to succeed. At the age of 61, Dorothy would pass on, having initiated success for her children and they families through education, love, determination and hope for a free and successful life void of religious and ethnic persecution. Dauntless Dorothy raised her children and grandchildren, instilling the work ethic and trailblazing fervor.