A few notable Stability Ball Workout Advanced exercises. Enjoy the challenge and the variety.
Diamond hip lift, feet on stability ball
Supine reverse crunch, hands holding stability ball
Thigh twist, stability ball between ankles, legs in air
Bridge roll, feet on stability ball
Teaser, feet on stability ball
Corkscrew, stability ball between ankles
Side bend, hands by ears, one leg straight, stability ball under hips
Pike stand or swimmers
Pushup, alternating leg lift, stability ball under feet
Twist, stability ball under waist, arms out stretched
Alternating leg raise, stability ball under shins
Leg extension, stability ball under hips
Pushup, stability ball under feet
Prone scissors, on forearms, stability ball under hips
Tricep dip, feet on stability ball
Twist in bridge, stability ball under shoulders
Boat on stability ball
Backstroke, stability ball under rib cage
V sit on stability ball
Twist crunch, stability ball under mid back, alternate knee lift
Standing split, stability ball under hands
Bulgarian lunge, stability ball under one foot
Side squat, stability ball under one foot
NOTE: Perform 2–4 rounds
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