Eat like a tourist in Greece
If you can’t grow it, don’t eat it
Read the back of the box first
The crunchier, the better
A frozen berry beats a fresh doughnut
You can’t replace real ice cream
There’s no fruit in “fruit flavor”
If it’s not around, you can’t eat it
Table your meals
Judge food by its cover
Cake’s just not that into you
Don’t drink dessert
Make sure you can ID the animal
Fuel up in the morning, not at night
Don’t buy food where you buy tires
Work for your dinner
Your hips are not a fridge
Watching Top Chef isn’t cooking
Cut yourself a break!
Barbell wrist curl
Barbell wrist extension
Bicep curl
Cable wrist curl
Cable wrist extension
Dumbbell wrist curl
Dumbbell wrist extension
Grip exercises
Hammer curl
Lever exercises
Reverse bicep curl
Reverse wrist roller
Wrist roller
NOTE: Perform with fullest range of motion available. Bicep and many upper body exercises utilize the forearms simple by holding the weight.
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