A special two-fur for us covid isolates. See below for part two of blog.
Some of our fave core exercises. Have fun!
Low side plank crunch, lower and lift hips
V sit up
Stability ball hip lift
Stability ball crunch with band
Stability ball back extension
Stability ball walkout
Rollout with wheel or stability ball
Medicine ball chop
Medicine ball plyometric crunch, throw ball to trainer
NOTE: Perform 3 rounds consisting of 15–25 reps with break between rounds. Vary reps and break time.
It’s Never too Late to Burn
Our top Cardiovascular calorie burners
X Spin (a cross training cvklass combining cycling and weight training)
Enduro (a specialized highly advanced program of cardio, resistance, plyo and isometrics)
HIIT, Tabata, etc.
Cross-country skiing
Elliptical machines
Indoor cycling (Spinning®)
Jogging Stairs
Rowing machines
Step aerobics
REFERENCE: Fitness Book of Lists © 2011; Top 10 Cardio exercises, exercise.about.com, ©2005
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