Cardio Basics & Benefits

Cardio, when done properly, is a strong foundation of general health and fitness. Here are some basic cardio tenets and benefits: Adapt your cardiovascular routine to your goals and change as plateaus occur Exercise in your target heart rate range, not that...

Physical Fitness Benefits

Most of know we should exercise regularly. But specifically why should we? Well here is a basic list of some of the physical, physiological and psychological impact fitness has on our bodies and our lives: Physical Benefits 1. Reduced/maintenance of body fat 2....

Basic Fitness Movements

The body makes a limited number of healthy movements. Some of the most important are represented below is these movements. Most solid fitness routines have some or all of these movements. Does yours? 1. Squat 2. Lunge 3. Push 4. Pull 5. Trunk twist 6. Trunk flexion 7....

Keys to Fitness

Wellness is a tricky business. We are individuals and need different disciplines to succeed. We must think, move and eat right. A general starting point is helpful, and here then are some VirtuFit proven tools for a successful future in securing your health and...

Posture Basics

Posture is an often overlooked part of fitness. Often improper or misaligned biomechanics can lead to injuries, both overuse and traumatic. If one has poor movement and continues that over a period of time a repetitive injury can result. The movement can be an...