I move, therefore I am

MULTI-MUSCLE STRETCHES We all need to move and stretch. Here are some of the multi-muscle ways to relax, stretch, increase range of motion. Remember, just as important as the static pose, is the way transitions. Cobra pose Down dog pose Extended childs pose Low lunge...

Wellness is Bliss

S-I JOINT INJURY, PREVENTION AND TREATMENT As the Sacroiliac joint (S-I joint) becomes more and more involved in overuse, injury and rehabilitation, it is important to know what stretches and exercises can prevent or treat the area. Below are some basic stretches...

A (Muscle) Twitch in time Saves Nine

Endurance is a key element of health and wellness. Here a few effective methods we promote to increase muscular strength and endurance and cardio output. 30/30, consists of a single set of 30 exercises done in 30 minutes with no rest periods Basic circuits,...

Some Types of Bodywork

Body Work has many benefits for our bodies and soul. Sometimes it is confusing which type is best for an individual. Here is a basic list to get your research started. Aromatherapy, therapeutic use of aromatic plant extracts and essential oils ayurveda and yoga Deep...

Overall Fitness Benefits

Fitness has many benefits, some of them are as follows: 1. Improved overall health 2. Improved cardiac health 3. Improved sex life 4. Improved sleep 5. Increased productivity at home, work, etc. 6. Improved sports performance 7. Improved balance 8. Improved...