I came, I saw, I burpee’d

One of our fave Burpee-enhanced routines. Enjoy! BURPEE HEAVEN VPT WORKOUT Burpees – 1×5 Crunches Jump squat – 3×30 seconds, repeat 3 times Burpees – 1×10 Medicine ball chop – 1×20 Burpees – 1×15 Sit up Crunch – 2×12 Burpees – 1×20...

Genealogy and Health: Recessive Genes

Did you know discovering your roots can greatly assist in your present day health? Many conditions are hereditary and/or psychosomatic. Knowing and understanding your genealogy can help you diagnose, treat and even avoid these conditions in ourselves and our children....

Overall Fitness Benefits

Fitness has many benefits, some of them are as follows: 1. Improved overall health 2. Improved cardiac health 3. Improved sex life 4. Improved sleep 5. Increased productivity at home, work, etc. 6. Improved sports performance 7. Improved balance 8. Improved...

Keys to Fitness

Wellness is a tricky business. We are individuals and need different disciplines to succeed. We must think, move and eat right. A general starting point is helpful, and here then are some VirtuFit proven tools for a successful future in securing your health and...