All good things must come from a bend

RANGE OF MOTION Fitness comes in all forms and fashions. One of the key elements of sound health is functional, full, and non-painful range of motion. These following movements, split into upper and lower body, may help maintain or attain proper range of motion. UPPER...

I move, therefore I am

MULTI-MUSCLE STRETCHES We all need to move and stretch. Here are some of the multi-muscle ways to relax, stretch, increase range of motion. Remember, just as important as the static pose, is the way transitions. Cobra pose Down dog pose Extended childs pose Low lunge...

Basic Fitness Movements

The body makes a limited number of healthy movements. Some of the most important are represented below is these movements. Most solid fitness routines have some or all of these movements. Does yours? 1. Squat 2. Lunge 3. Push 4. Pull 5. Trunk twist 6. Trunk flexion 7....

Sun Salutations for Health

One of the basic series in most yoga practices is the Sun Salutation. Although there are many varieties, they all serve wonderful purposes. A basic Sun Salutation A (surya namaskara A) would include these poses: Begin standing (mountain), feet together, sweep arms...

Flexibility Basics

What is fitness? Is it functionality or aesthetics? Is it strength or speed? Is it low cholesterol or low resting heart rate? Well, it is obviously all of those and much more. Wading through the endless books, magazines and journals can be exhausting and many times...