by Marc | Sep 5, 2023 | IFC
Some of Virtu-fit’s most effective Lower Body Plyometric exercises: Jump squat Lateral hop Split jack Standing triple jump Standing long jump Box jump or depth jump Standing calf jump Jumping jacks Jumping rope Back jump NOTE: Perform 3 rounds consisting of 60...
by Marc | Jul 5, 2023 | IFC
Some recommended Body Weight Conditioning exercises: Squat Floor Tricep Dip Crunch One Leg Balance, Eyes Closed Calf Raise Down Dog Pushup Side Lying Crunch Balance On Toes, Eyes Closed Back Lunge Supine Lat Pullover Superman/Bow Pose Heel-Toe Line Walk, Eyes Closed...
by Marc | May 26, 2023 | IFC
Some of my favorite exercises for Advanced Body Weight Cardio sessions. Runners Get ups Crisscross Burpees Teaser/paulina Pushup knee to elbow Half burpees Jump squat Incline plane/sit up toe touch Jump lunge Ninja jumps High/low plank Superdog Swimmers Scorpion...
by Marc | May 2, 2023 | IFC
Some effective Plyometric Core Exercises: Medicine ball sit up Medicine ball sit up throwing ball to partner Medicine ball overhead front throw to partner Medicine ball overhead backward throw to partner Medicine ball speed twist sit up Spiderman crawl on floor Drop...
by Marc | Mar 5, 2023 | IFC
Enjoy these wonderful Hamstring Stretches: Seated one leg straight, other foot to thigh forward bend Seated straight leg forward bend Standing cross leg, forward bend Standing leg on bench forward bend Standing toe touch Supine one leg bent, other leg straight on wall...
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